We couldn’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps try a search?
{"domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"es_419"},"Remove":[""],"Click to toggle":[""],"Version %s (%s)":[""],"n/a":[""],"Downloaded %s time":["","Downloaded %s times"],"Version":[""],"File URL(s)":[""],"Enter one file path/URL per line - multiple files will be used as mirrors (chosen at random).":[""],"Upload file":[""],"Choose a file":[""],"Insert file URL":[""],"Browse for file":[""],"Download count":[""],"File Date":[""],"h":[""],"m":[""],"It looks like you upgraded to the latest version of Download Monitor from a legacy version (3.x)":[""],"Currently your downloads don't work like they should, we need to %s before they'll work again.":[""],"upgrade your downloads":[""],"We've created an upgrading tool that will do all the work for you. You can read more about this tool on %sour website (click here)%s or start the upgrade now.":[""],"Take me to the Upgrade Tool":[""],"hide notice":[""],"Download Monitor Extensions":[""],"Extensions":[""],"If you like %sDownload Monitor%s please leave us a %s★★★★★%s rating. A huge thank you from us in advance!":[""],"Insert Download":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this file ? ":[""],"Browse for a file":[""],"Select a category":[""],"Download Monitor Data":[""],"Featured download":[""],"Members only":[""],"Redirect to file":[""],"Image":[""],"Title":[""],"ID":[""],"File":[""],"Categories":[""],"Tags":[""],"Featured":[""],"Redirect only":[""],"Date posted":[""],"Yes":[""],"Download title":[""],"Download updated.":[""],"Custom field updated.":[""],"Custom field deleted.":[""],"Download restored to revision from %s":[""],"Download published.":[""],"Download saved.":[""],"Download submitted.":[""],"Download scheduled for: %1$s.":[""],"M j, Y @ G:i":[""],"Download draft updated.":[""],"Popular Downloads":[""],"There are no stats available yet!":[""],"Download":[""],"Extend Download Monitor with its powerful free and paid extensions. %sClick here to browse all extensions%s":[""],"No files found":[""],"Insert Shortcode":[""],"Quick-add download":[""],"Error: File was not created.":[""],"Download successfully created.":[""],"Error: Download was not created.":[""],"Search download":[""],"Choose a download":[""],"Template":[""],"Template Name":[""],"Leaving this blank will use the default content-download.php
template file. If you enter, for example, image
, the content-download-image.php
template will be used instead.":[""],"Drop file here":[""],"Select File":[""],"Enter URL manually":[""],"Download URL":[""],"Required URL":[""],"Download Title":[""],"Required title":[""],"Optional version number":[""],"Save Download":[""],"Allowed Files":[""],"Please wait...":[""],"Reports":[""],"Switch to %s":[""],"Per Day":[""],"Month":[""],"Download Reports":[""],"Loading":[""],"Settings":[""],"Because your server is running on nginx, our .htaccess file can't protect your downloads.":[""],"Please add the following rules to your nginx config to disable direct file access: %s":[""],"Download Monitor Transients successfully cleared!":[""],"Settings successfully saved":[""],"Save Changes":[""],"General":[""],"Default Template":[""],"Choose which template is used for [download]
shortcodes by default (this can be overridden by the format
argument).":[""],"Default - Title and count":[""],"Button - CSS styled button showing title and count":[""],"Box - Box showing thumbnail, title, count, filename and filesize.":[""],"Filename - Filename and download count":[""],"Title - Shows download title only":[""],"Version list - Lists all download versions in an unordered list":[""],"Custom template":[""],"Custom Template":[""],"Leaving this blank will use the default content-download.php
template file. If you enter, for example, button
, the content-download-button.php
template will be used instead. You can add custom templates inside your theme folder.":[""],"X-Accel-Redirect / X-Sendfile":[""],"Enable":[""],"If supported, X-Accel-Redirect
/ X-Sendfile
can be used to serve downloads instead of PHP (server requires mod_xsendfile
).":[""],"Prevent hotlinking":[""],"If enabled, the download handler will check the PHP referer to see if it originated from your site and if not, redirect them to the homepage.":[""],"Allow Proxy IP Override":[""],"If enabled, Download Monitor will use the X_FORWARDED_FOR HTTP header set by proxies as the IP address. Note that anyone can set this header, making it less secure.":[""],"Endpoint":[""],"download":[""],"Download Endpoint":[""],"Define what endpoint should be used for download links. By default this will be %s
.":[""],"Endpoint Value":[""],"Define what unique value should be used on the end of your endpoint to identify the downloadable file. e.g. ID would give a link like %s
":[""],"Download ID":[""],"Download slug":[""],"Hashes":[""],"MD5 hashes":[""],"Generate MD5 hash for uploaded files":[""],"SHA1 hashes":[""],"Generate SHA1 hash for uploaded files":[""],"SHA256 hashes":[""],"Generate SHA256 hash for uploaded files":[""],"Hashes can optionally be output via shortcodes, but may cause performance issues with large files.":[""],"CRC32B hashes":[""],"Generate CRC32B hash for uploaded files":[""],"Logging":[""],"Download Log":[""],"Log download attempts, IP addresses and more.":[""],"Count unique IPs only":[""],"If enabled, the counter for each download will only increment and create a log entry once per IP address.":[""],"Access":[""],"No Access Page":[""],"Choose what page is displayed when the user has no access to a file. Don't forget to add the [dlm_no_access]
shortcode to the page.":[""],"You do not have permission to access this download. %sGo to homepage%s":[""],"No access message":[""],"The message that will be displayed to visitors when they don't have access to a file.":[""],"Blacklist IPs":[""],"List IP Addresses to blacklist, 1 per line. Use IP/CIDR netmask format for ranges. IPv4 examples:
. IPv6 examples: 2001:db8::1
or 2001:db8::/32
.":[""],"Blacklist user agents":[""],"List browser user agents to blacklist, 1 per line. Partial matches are sufficient. Regex matching is allowed by surrounding the pattern with forward slashes, e.g. /^Mozilla.+Googlebot/
":[""],"Misc":[""],"Remove Data on Uninstall?":[""],"Check this box if you would like to completely remove all Download Monitor data when the plugin is deleted.":[""],"Clear all transients":[""],"Remove all Download Monitor transients, this can solve version caching issues.":[""],"Select Page":[""],"Download Information":[""],"Download Options":[""],"Downloadable Files/Versions":[""],"Short Description":[""],"URL":[""],"Shortcode":[""],"No download information for new downloads.":[""],"Mark this download as featured. Used by shortcodes and widgets.":[""],"Only logged in users will be able to access the file via a download link if this is enabled.":[""],"Don't force download. If the dlm_uploads
folder is protected you may need to move your file.":[""],"Add file":[""],"Close all":[""],"Expand all":[""],"Documentation":[""],"Password Required":[""],"Download does not exist.":[""],"Go to homepage →":[""],"Download Error":[""],"No file paths defined.":[""],"Redirected to file":[""],"Redirected to remote file.":[""],"File not found.":[""],"No Access":[""],"Legacy Upgrader":[""],"Download Monitor - Legacy Upgrade":[""],"Welcome to the Download Monitor Legacy Upgrader. On this page we will upgrade your old Download Monitor (legacy) data so it will work with the latest version. If you're on this page, it should mean that you updated to this version from Download Monitor %s. If you're unsure if this is correct, or you want to read more about the legacy upgrade, we've setup a page that will explain this process in a lot more detail. %sClick here%s if to view that page.":[""],"Version ID":[""],"Filename":[""],"User ID":[""],"User Login":[""],"User Email":[""],"User IP":[""],"User Agent":[""],"Date":[""],"Status":[""],"Meta Data":[""],"Logs":[""],"Download Logs":[""],"Export CSV":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete ALL log items?":[""],"Delete Logs":[""],"Delete":[""],"Download Complete":[""],"%s ago":[""]," (v%s)":[""]," (v%s no longer exists)":[""],"Download #%d (no longer exists)":[""],"Non-member":[""],"User":[""],"IP Address":[""],"Log entries deleted":[""],"Any status":[""],"Failed":[""],"Redirected":[""],"Completed":[""],"Show all dates":[""],"%1$s %2$d":[""],"Select a User":[""],"25 per page":[""],"50 per page":[""],"100 per page":[""],"200 per page":[""],"Show All":[""],"Filter":[""],"All Downloads":[""],"Downloads":[""],"Add New":[""],"Add Download":[""],"Edit":[""],"Edit Download":[""],"New Download":[""],"View Download":[""],"Search Downloads":[""],"No Downloads found":[""],"No Downloads found in trash":[""],"Parent Download":[""],"This is where you can create and manage downloads for your site.":[""],"License successfully activated.":[""],"Register your copy of the %s extension to receive access to automatic upgrades and support. Need a license key? Purchase one now.":[""],"Download not found":[""],"Download Categories":[""],"Download Category":[""],"Search Download Categories":[""],"All Download Categories":[""],"Parent Download Category":[""],"Edit Download Category":[""],"Update Download Category":[""],"Add New Download Category":[""],"New Download Category Name":[""],"Download Tags":[""],"Download Tag":[""],"Search Download Tags":[""],"All Download Tags":[""],"Parent Download Tag":[""],"Edit Download Tag":[""],"Update Download Tag":[""],"Add New Download Tag":[""],"New Download Tag Name":[""],"Display a list of your downloads.":[""],"Downloads List":[""],"Featured Downloads":[""],"Limit":[""],"Output template":[""],"Default template":[""],"Order by":[""],"Random":[""],"Date added":[""],"Date modified":[""],"Order":[""],"ASC":[""],"DESC":[""],"Show only featured downloads":[""],"Show only members only downloads":[""],"1 download":["","%d downloads"],"Version %s":[""],"Download File":[""],"Download “%s”":[""],"Downloaded 1 time":["","Downloaded %d times"],"Download Monitor":[""],"https://www.download-monitor.com":[""],"A full solution for managing downloadable files, monitoring downloads and outputting download links and file information on your WordPress powered site.":[""],"Never5":[""],"https://www.never5.com":[""],"Drop file here *or* select file\u0004or":[""]}}}/**
* Select2 Romanian translation.
(function ($) {
"use strict";
$.fn.select2.locales['ro'] = {
formatNoMatches: function () { return "Nu a fost găsit nimic"; },
formatInputTooShort: function (input, min) { var n = min - input.length; return "Vă rugăm să introduceți incă " + n + " caracter" + (n == 1 ? "" : "e"); },
formatInputTooLong: function (input, max) { var n = input.length - max; return "Vă rugăm să introduceți mai puțin de " + n + " caracter" + (n == 1? "" : "e"); },
formatSelectionTooBig: function (limit) { return "Aveți voie să selectați cel mult " + limit + " element" + (limit == 1 ? "" : "e"); },
formatLoadMore: function (pageNumber) { return "Se încarcă…"; },
formatSearching: function () { return "Căutare…"; }
$.extend($.fn.select2.defaults, $.fn.select2.locales['ro']);
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